Pittenweem and First Show

On Sunday we set off for Fife to the Pittenweem Arts Festival. For once it was a clear and sunny day and the rain stayed away  all day. We visited dozens of exhibitions, some excellent others not so impressive. There is something happening on every corner and there was a good attendance. The good weather helped to make a really festive atmosphere. The Festival continues for another week, so there is still time to arrange a visit.

Artwork at Pittenweem Harbour

Fishing Nets in the Harbour

Today we took advantage of some rare free time and took ourselves off to Venue 39 on the Royal Mile to see “Bare”. Having braved the rain, foolishly wearing sandals, we were rewarded by a great ensemble performance by a Manchester company led by actor, director and fight arranger, Renny Krupinski. Renny’s fight arranging skills were certainly shown off to the full as the play concerns the tribulations of a bare knuckle fighter involved in a seedy and violent world. The acting was superb and the whole production was brilliantly presented. I would whole heartedly recommend this play to anyone who enjoys “meaty” drama. It deserves to be one of the hits of the Festival.

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